Bit of a rant..
Complete and utter nonsense. What the hell would be the point of stopping them from having IE preinstalled? Yes, they have dominant market share, but this is similar to saying that all computers should be delivered to the customer with no operating system, giving them full freedom of choice over their user interface needs. I fail to see how they can nobble microsoft for providing a fundamental service with their OS and yet Apple are continually defended for their closed hardware approach (not to mention the heinous crime of bundling iLife and Safari which clearly stops users from making informed decisions about lifestyle and internet management utilities. Market share aside, this is a matter of principle not a matter of sales volume.
I have a question for them. How do i get a web browser if i can't navigate to the page because my install hasn't been bundled with a web browser to begin with?
2008 IE7 IE6 Chrome Fx Moz S O
December 26.1% 19.6% 3.6% 44.4% 0.4% 2.7% 2.4%
From the W3schools website. If their data is reasonably accurate, that makes it out that firefox (fx) have around 45% whereas IE (combined) has about the same. Looks to me like they should be after Mozilla for storming the market..