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Thread: Abit AB9 Pro, Error 8.7 on boot. Please help!

  1. #1
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    Abit AB9 Pro, Error 8.7 on boot. Please help!

    I have an Abit AB9 Pro motherboard, I love it to death. I have been having on and off problems since ive recieved it. However, this most recent one seems to be a pain in the butt.

    I keep getting a error 8.7 when I boot the PC with 3 beeps then shuts off, I have to reset the jumper, remove the battery and keep the pc unplugged for like 30 minutes then plug it back in and it boots. However, if I just to go into the bios making no major changes, just disable onboard sound card, and floppy drive, then save, restart and 8.7 comes back again. I have replaced the CPU FAN, and Power Supply all the other parts have been exchanged (including CPUs e6400 and x6800) back and forth everything else is working fine.

    I am running the latest BIOS from Abits website that I applied via the Abit FlashMenu.

    According to the error code "Check CPU core voltage Power on -> Stop at 8.7. 12V 4 pin plug disconnected or power supply damage Check 4 pin power plug or replace power supply"

    I have done all these things, is my motherboard defective, did I perform a bad flash?

    Thanks so much for your time,

  2. #2
    ABIT UK ABIT Sean's Avatar
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    Looks like a PSU fault to me, If possible try another PSU.

    Next time you are in the bios check the voltage readings and see if any looks wrong.

  3. #3
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    I checked the voltage, everything was fine there. Three PSU's still doing it.

    However, I think I may of fixed it.

    I originally flashed it when I was booting into vista and I flashed with a beta version of FlashMenu. I grabbed the latest version of FlashMenu / Uguru from the abit site and Reflashed with the latest firmware, seems to of fixed the problem, so far so good.

    Thanks for the help,

  4. #4
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    I too am receiving this error code on my 2nd AB9 Pro (I RMA'd my first because I got a check sum error and had to clear the CMOS every time I booted). 'Puter shuts down before I even see a bios screen. I am reluctant to believe it is caused by my PSU because:

    -PSU is brand new Seasonic
    -I didn't recieve this error code on my last AB9 Pro that I RMA'd

    I checked the MB outside of the case with and without video card and memory without effect. Can anyone give me some ideas on what to do before I RMA this board?

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