Ok being a relative mac n00b (having only owned a 300mhz clamshell last year before i sold it making a profit) I could do with a tiny bit of info
I'm looking to replace my laptop (currently FS) with a mac alternative. I only really use my lappy for web browsing/msn/putty, DVDs and a bit of word processing, so I dont need anything too powerful
My problem is that while PC wise I know what hardware will do what, I havnt got a clue with macs
budget is tiny - £300-£400 so i'm not expecting much..but I wouldnt of thought i need a really powerful one for basic use will I?
Would a 900mhz ibook do me or would that just be horribly slow? There are always a few on ebay for that sort of price, all ranging from 500mhz to 900mhz. Is there anywhere better to get refurb/2nd hand iBooks than ebay? seems the cheapest place I can find..any advice would be appreciated