I had the unfortunate situation to have an Automatic while my car was in for service, and i can't stress how much I hated the entire experience, it was god damn awful.
To start with I had to deprogram myself from hitting the break when i was coming to a t-junction etc. My left foot just couldn't stop it for the first couple of minutes. Wondering what the hell was going on and had to actually stop and think what was going on.
But even after i'd stopped that I found the whole situation completely boring, nothing to do, no pleasure in the drive at all.
It makes me think that I can do 1 of 2 things in a car, drive IT, or be a passenger, if half the car's functions are turned into driver aids (the way things are going), i'd rather have one of two things happen, I'd either prefer the car to drive completely, or not at all.
Am I the only one that found an automatic this horrid?,