OK, so it's snowing at the moment, so I'm taking the train instead of the motorbike. But I was wondering - if it doesn't snow, what sort of temperatures shouldn't I be riding in to avoid ice?
Sounds like a stupid question - 0C is freezing point of water - but 'temperatures for london' is obviously a bit vague. I was wondering if there was any more rules of thumb recommended by a Riding Association who might have actually looked into it a bit more, or something like it.
I guess what made me think of it is that if the air temperature is below 5C outside (according to the car thermometer) then the 'icy' sign comes up on the dash display.
Right now if it's above 3C min temp for that day I dont feel concerned - cautious, but I still ride.
on a side-note I actually some people riding motorbikes to work this morning! Crazy!