Just installed a HX520 into my case today and I can't seem to get it to turn on the screen, everything spinds, fans and stuff, I've plugged the PCI-E connector into my graphics card, 4 Pin connector to the motherboard, the 24 pin connector to the motherboard, and yet it still doesnt turn on. I removed all hard drives and cd drive power to see if it was limiting the amps the graphics card can get and it didn't work. Is there any way to fix this? I'm guessing the PSU is working because everything is spinning. All I notice is that the graphics card fan spins up to fast mode and stays at that speed, the psu fan is spinning fast too as I can feel alot of air coming out the back of it. Is it the PSU thats not sending the ok signal for the motherboard to post? The tagan that was in there worked and it was 530W so I know all my parts are working as I used them this morning before the psu arrived.
Help please!