Possibly. It looks like there's a variety of options (including good old superglue, or course ), and I'm more than a little tempted to go for a melt / weld joint (I have a cooking blowtorch that should be perfect for the purpose!). I'm also considering bending a single length into the main body of the res, but having had some experience of bending acrylic I'm concerned that I wouldn't get it square enough for the ends to seal properly...
I think it's worth pointing out that I have deliberately chosen an old, cheap case to hack to pieces. I certainly wouldn't recommend taking a similar course of action with an Antec P180.
there, I think should be enough CYA to deal with that one
chicken !
i took an angle grinder to a corsair cosmos !
Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack
off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.
Cosmos is ugly though IMO I guess if you like it then it's as bad/bold an idea.
Grrrr I hate being half way through a post to have firefox crash
Ummm now what the heck did I type
Acrylic glue, best stuff to use is an acrylic weld or cement
I know IPS Wled-On #3 comes highly recomended however it's a US brand so not easy to find over here.
A syringe is the recomended way to apply it as it's very runny (like water)
Must admit I've not personally used this stuff yet, however it work the same way as polystyrene cement, ie it's not an adhesive that forms a layer between the two surfaces but actually melts the two surfaces so when it dries they become fully bonded into one piece.
Have a watch of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT6Ow_cBTps
side note on this antec performance 1 rant we seem to have going, the original p180 could do witha few tweeks on the inside, the outside I like, even the top baffle.
I never got around to doing any major modding on my p180 . . . yet.
Last edited by Pob255; 25-09-2010 at 02:12 AM.
[rem IMG]https://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i45/pob_aka_robg/Spork/project_spork.jpg[rem /IMG] [rem IMG]https://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i45/pob_aka_robg/dichotomy/dichotomy_footer_zps1c040519.jpg[rem /IMG]
Pob's new mod, Soviet Pob Propaganda style Laptop.
"Are you suggesting that I can't punch an entire dimension into submission?" - Flying squirrel - The Red Panda Adventures
Sorry photobucket links broken
Well I've never worked in a P180 but working in the mini P180 is pretty fiddly. But rewarding
That looks.... small.
Meh, bloody yoof, with your loud music and funny cases.
Get offa my thread!
Gods I feel old sometimes....
Anyway, not much to update at the minute as I'm still pondering the best way to join the acrylic (physical melt join, chemical melt join, glue, etc.). However, I do have some work left to do fitting the PSU into the case, so maybe I'll go and spin up the cutting disks...
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