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Thread: Crazy PS2 Picture problem

  1. #1
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    Crazy PS2 Picture problem

    Ok this is a weird one and I'm tearing my hair out here trying to understand why this is happening.

    I've got a component PS2 cable with the usual, red,green,blue picture leads and then the 2 red and white audio leads, I've plugged these in to the correct jacks and checked them 100 times.

    I've got a Pioneer 42" HDTV PDP 4270XA Panel.

    Here's the problem,the bloody thing just will not give me a picture via this lead.
    I can get a picture with Composite (but oh my eyes!, my eyes!) so I need this picture to come via component.

    I have tried changing the settings on the actual PS2 from RGB to YPbPr etc and that makes no difference.
    I know the tv works because I can get the Xbox 360 through component fine without any problems at all.

    I've tried every combination of setting on the PS2 and the actual tv and I'm pretty sure the lead works because I can get sound, but I just can't get the picture.

    Can someone give me an idea before my panel goes through the window?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    • Barrichello's system
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    hmm - only thing i can think off that is similar is people that have recently reported PS3 problems via component/HDMI. I only mention this as specifically they always mention Pioneer HDTV's. Have a read down further and you will see people mention issues. Strange that your havinh issues with the PS2 - the only constant i can see with people not getting ps2/ps3s working is when a pioneer is involved.

    I wish you luck though

  3. #3
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    right thanks mate, will do

  4. #4
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    • grizzla's system
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    I think you need to check the video output settings on your PS2, go to the options menu and there should be an option to change it from something like RGB to YB/r PB/r or something like that, i cant remember haven't seen a PS2 option screen for a while

  5. #5
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    I have tried changing the settings on the actual PS2 from RGB to YPbPr etc and that makes no difference.
    Already tried this mate with no luck, see above

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