My philosophical post for the week…..
Keeping in front of the curve and demanding the latest products now has always been a key part of being an enthusiast. Overclocking your system and obtaining the maximum performance has been a desire and, really, not a need for most people.
However, all too often I see posts on forums or comments in meetings from people who want the latest technology now, rather than a refined solution which simply works. This is a tough balance for companies to ensure, since getting the product out quickly garners instant exposure, yet may cause problems in the long term.
I was in Starbucks the other day, and, as usual, I was in a hurry, keen to grab my coffee and get on to my meeting. The barista remarked “Here is your coffee, and, remember, you can’t rush perfection”. You may not think Starbucks coffee is the best - and I certainly don’t think it is - but he had a point; if the coffee had been rushed or sour then I would have been more upset than having to wait for a proper cup.
It's worth remembering that expectations can only be met if the timeframe assigned to the company offering you the product or services is reasonable. If you want a rushed job, sure, go grab something today, but if you want something refined and delivering a better experience, you only have to wait a little longer.
There is nothing worse than spending money on something which simply doesn’t work. With work we strive to make sure we offer you information about products and how they work. Often, though, we have companies rush samples to us which don’t work or are incomplete, and it feels as if some of them think we are their respective R&D departments. It's often refreshing for a company to reflect on the market and say “wait, no, we will deliver it when the entire product is ready”
We often have tools which we build internally and I am guilty (more so than most, it would seem) of wanting to rush these cool things out the door for you guys, but with time I've managed to hold back and we now try and make sure things are refined.
So next time you are upset technology is not coming out today: remember, you can’t rush perfection.