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Thread: Far Cry Lesson Learned today :-)

  1. #97
    HEXUS.timelord. Zak33's Avatar
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    I started this thread AGES ago............

    I aint played the damn game for AGE either.....funny old world , and a blummin hard game

    Quote Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
    "The second you aren't paying attention to the tool you're using, it will take your fingers from you. It does not know sympathy." |
    "If you don't gaffer it, it will gaffer you" | "Belt and braces"

  2. #98
    Beard hat ftw! steve threlfall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zak33
    I started this thread AGES ago............

    I aint played the damn game for AGE either.....funny old world , and a blummin hard game
    It needs serious time this one. When i first started playing farcry i struggled through the fort level, having to reload many times before completing it by the skin of my teeth on easy mode i walk it.

    It is definately a hard one to master.

  3. #99
    Marmoset Warrior
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve threlfall
    It needs serious time this one. When i first started playing farcry i struggled through the fort level, having to reload many times before completing it by the skin of my teeth on easy mode i walk it.

    It is definately a hard one to master.
    Ohh how right you are Steve. I got all the way through the game until the bit where you have to destroy the generator and you come up against the guys with rio stuff and armour. Only then I realised I had Auto Balance AI turned on, everytime I got a kill they completely owned me
    Had to restart the game and I havent had much time so now i'm only on the Training level. Summer awaits

  4. #100
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    Far cry - regulator level

    Hey dudes,

    Am stuck on the regulator level - Have managed to take out all the mercenaries, but don't know how to get across the broken bridge to reach the regulator.

    Please help


  5. #101
    Beard hat ftw! steve threlfall's Avatar
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    • steve threlfall's system
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    If its the level i think then you dont have to go over the bridge you can go round through the trees, though look out for snipers.

  6. #102
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    but the building I have to get to can only be got to by going across the broken bridge.

    The building is surrounded with water which has very high banks, so cannot climb out of the water, have gone all the way round to see If I could climb up at any place.

    Would be greatful for any more suggestions.


  7. #103
    Beard hat ftw! steve threlfall's Avatar
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    • steve threlfall's system
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      • Graphics card(s):
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      • Corsair HX750
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      • Operating System:
      • Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
      • Monitor(s):
      • Dell 2407 WFP 24" Widescreen, Rev A04
      • Internet:
      • Virgin 120/12 mb
    Quote Originally Posted by r05h

    but the building I have to get to can only be got to by going across the broken bridge.

    The building is surrounded with water which has very high banks, so cannot climb out of the water, have gone all the way round to see If I could climb up at any place.

    Would be greatful for any more suggestions.

    Heres the walkthrough for the level

    Got it from (beware worst pop ups ever )

    Strategy guide link ->

    Don’t even think about it. That Big Rig is destroyed. But head over
    there anyways. There was should a door in the corner (take note of the
    ammo on the crate in front of where you started). Open the door and
    crouch. Listen to the funny explanation about why mercs are only evil
    during their day job. Then just throw a grenade next to them and watch
    them fly. Equip the night errr... “Cry Vision” to see the baddies in
    the distance. There should be one on the tower in the distance, and
    about 2-3 by the crate to your right. P90 is the ideal weapon of choice
    of you still have ammo for it. If not, work with the m4. If you also
    hurry, there is a Big Rig truck in the distance driving away. Attempt
    to jack it if the nearby enemies are dead. Then just drive across the
    bridge. Stop at the end, get out, and shoot the gunner merc. Charge him
    if possible to “avoid” any damage.

    Also once at the end of the bridge take note of the tower to your 10
    o’clock in the distance. There’s a merc with a rocket launcher there.
    He can mess you up pretty bad. After all looks clear, slowly walk
    forward. At the end of the ‘island’ the bridge seems to be out (the Big
    Rigs won’t make it – already tried). So, we’ll take the next best thing
    – climb the tower to the left. Take the fox thingy across. Once you
    land, secure your area (there’s a merc in the trees to your distant
    left). Now proceed inside.

    This area resembles the one you started in. It also includes – THE FORK
    LIFT! Yay! Crytek deserves kudos for this – first game to include the
    fork lift badass. The mercs did such a bad job of guarding it as they
    are only 3, 4 of them around it. Piece of cake to take such a treasure
    from them. Sadly, we cannot proceed into the enterer of the complex due
    to its greatness. You will just have to enter through the door on the
    left side of the big door. Inside there is a merc guarding another big
    door across from you, 2 workers to your right, and 1 merc on the
    catwalks above your right. Take the one on the catwalks first with the
    m4. Next pick up the merc guarding the door. Once dead, the workers
    won’t be a problem with their crappy peashooter. Also, another worker
    tries to rush you by emerging from the door on your left. That’s your
    destination. Head instead (after shooting the merc), and grab [Keycard
    1] from the table. You will need 2 more keycards. Enter the second door
    in this room.

    Proceed up the stairs and make a U-Turn (very easy to miss) at the top
    of it, walk up another pair of stairs. Open the door up there and
    ambush the two scientists. Grab [Keycard 2] from the table and the
    ammo/armor/health. Below you should be roughly 5 mercs. They shouldn’t
    be a problem to take out especially with the ‘balcony’ to the right
    side of this overview room (the door across from where you entered).
    Once most of them seem to be dead, head back down the stairs to where
    you made that U-Turn. This time, take the door on the right. You will
    enter the room where the mercs just got SERVED. If you look up and to
    the right, that’s where you picked up [keycard 2]. Across from it and
    to the bottom is [keycard 3]. Grab it off the table but careful as you
    watch the door in back of you open (usually 1-2 mercs instead).

    Once you got all 3 keycards, head to where you made the U-Turn once
    more. Across the stairs are some steam pipes venting poisonous greenish
    gas. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell you that you will die by
    breathing it. So, on your left should be a valve. Turn if off and the
    gas goes away – yay! Walk down this once deadly hallway and open the
    door. Jump up to the left and surprise the two scientists (one next to
    you, one in the distance still on the left).

    Now, here’s the simple part. There are 3 doors – you got 3 keycards. Do
    the math (slide the keycard to open the door by action or F). Be
    careful as there is one scientist in the Blue Keycard Valve Room. Also
    one more thing – there is gas in your current hallway as well. Do NOT
    attempt to run by it as you will die (trust me). Instead go around
    (back into the room with [Keycard 3]) and through the control panels in
    the back of it. Turn the last valve off in the room past the gas for
    the gas to clear. Ok, there’s one door left - all the way at the left
    side from where I originally told you to enter this hallway before the
    math solving skills come into motion. Open that door and proceed down
    that hallway for a checkpoint!

    This is one of the *hardest* part in the game. If you are playing on
    some of the harder difficulties, this will make your life a living
    hell. There are approximately 10 mercs here. Oh yea, and some of them
    have shields, m4’s and deadly aims, no matter what difficulty you are
    on. The m4 (not the p90) will be the ideal weapon for the most part.
    Start out by shooting the guy in the distance (try going for a head
    shot). Now peak out and to the right to see a merc advancing. It’s
    either one with a shield or one that sprints to you. Whichever one it
    is, take him down. If you zoom in with your m4 to directly across from
    you, you should see a yellow explosive tank. Take note of that when the
    mercs run by it. Once it’s quiet, a trio of mercs will charge you from
    the top. Get cover behind the pillars while peaking out and shooting
    them. If somehow you still got a rocket launcher, this would be the
    time to use it. If not, continue working your way up with the m4.

    If attempt after attempt you still fail, just get their attention get
    hide in the hallway. When the door opens – shoot. Eventually (but only
    after minutes of camping) can you beat this part – the cheap way. Once
    all are dead, run to the top while collection ammo, and armor. At the
    top, enter the hallway and save.

    Navigate the corners and open the door. 1 merc, 1 worker vs. 1 badass
    with an m4 (you). Take them out. Now walk up to the regulator in the
    corner on the right and turn it off. Boom.

    You think it’s over? Think again. Another, more harder part is coming
    up. 12 Mercs in the next area – armed with body armor, shotguns, and
    m4’s. As the door is already opened, throw a grenade to the left and
    right sides of the door. With any luck, 4 mercs will go down. That will
    be a perfect way to start this intense battle off. Sprint forward on
    the right side and walk up the stairs to a platform in the middle.
    While crouched, and taking cover against the pillar, shoot the mercs
    that drop from the transport chopper. Give it all that you got as these
    will be the last baddies you face in this level. Don’t be afraid to
    waste that ammo. Use the m4 and p90 as your primary weapon. If anyone
    tries rushing, use the shotgun. Even more so, take note of any
    additional grenades you have left. Don’t be afraid to run back into the
    regulator and fight them off from there. It’s a matter of time before
    you complete this battle because you will need mad skillz for the next
    couple of levels coming up.

    Once you’re the only one left standing, head over to the vent on the
    far right of this area. Shoot the lock out with any weapon and proceed
    inside to end this frantic level.

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