Back in the day, when I used a trusty MS mouse, being able to change my weapon of choice in whichever FPS I chose to play (long live Unreal Tournament) using the scroll wheel was a handy feature.
However, I can't seem to get it to work with Logitech Mouseware, and seeing as a large number of Hexus forum members rate the MX700 as their tool of choice, I was wondering if anyone had found a fix.
This was touched upon briefly in another post not so long ago, but I think the best suggestion was to uninstall MouseWare and use MS default mouse drivers (something which disables all the extra buttons the MX700 offers). It does indeed make the scroll wheel work, but it's not a satisfactory solution.
Surely Logitech are aware that the scroll wheel doesn't work and have a work around? Anybody? Please?