What we heard: When Microsoft sent out press invites to X05 in mid-August, many recipients figured the company would use the occasion to unveil Halo 3. These suspicions began to build this month when Microsoft's corporate vice president Peter Moore coyly told Game Informer, "Bungie is busy. The boys are busy." Then Bungie's own Frank "Frankie" O'Connor dropped this seemingly throwaway line in the middle of his Tokyo Game Show report: "We have some cool stuff coming up for you in the next couple of weeks, including...Halo 2 running on 360." Could a peek of Halo 3 be far behind? Apparently not, as something purporting to be a leaked Halo 3 screenshot began making the forum rounds, stirring up rumors of yet another Microsoft viral marketing campaign.
But the clincher came earlier this week, when Britain-based Future Publishing sent out a release on Games Press for the launch issue of its new "independent" UK Mag, Xbox World 360. The release was accompanied with an image of the magazine's cover (pictured), which proclaimed "See the Future! Halo 3!" next to a high-res shot of everyone's favorite armored Spartan trooper. Given that the magazine goes on sale just days before X05, many a site theorized the cover story was a prelude to a Halo 3 preview similar to the Halo 2 trailer premiere at E3 2003.
Just one problem: It isn't. First, European games press reporters who have aquired copies of Xbox World 360 say it contains no new information whatsoever, merely "six pages of articles covering speculation from fans," according to Igniq.com. As for the screen, it is being widely decried as not only a fake, but also a very old fake. (One poster on the GameSpot Forums is even claiming he made it himself.) Armed with this info, GameSpot contacted sources familiar with Halo 3's development, who freely admitted the game will be a "no-show" at X05. Jeez, are we going to have to wait until E3 2006?