Rave has the best solution mate. If you don't want to live with rodents either you move out as they move in or exterminate them.
Don't fool yourself that you can all co exist in the same house.
Rave has the best solution mate. If you don't want to live with rodents either you move out as they move in or exterminate them.
Don't fool yourself that you can all co exist in the same house.
Deo Adjuvante non Timendum
Check the places you would not expect such as on the compressor of your fridge, freezer or similar as these generate quite a bit of heat during operation and this is one of the most popular places that rodents like to hide when in kitchens.
As for Cats keeping them out of houses I don't agree with that statement at all. My housemates cat (eek - it's named after Shannon Airport actually so it's Irish) and brings the little things into the house only to play with them in the front room. If I have to pick-up another dissected limb, head or rear-end of a mouse again it would only be too soon.
Get a snake
My money is on a field mouse as well , probably just come out of hibernation, well him , his mrs and 45 children
Dicided to have a proper tidy of my room today. I have blocked the only known hole into my room but not sure if this was big enough for it to get through - however it did chew through a unused phone extension that goes through that same hole. Annoyingly it hasnt touched the cat5 network cable which could of explained a few problems.. but illl replace it anyway.
My bed was very old and the type you can put stuf in. That had a few droppings but so far its the only ones we have found. It smells horrible, however its very strange that I never noticed the smell with the bed compartment shut, and never any niose from it (but i can hear him running around in the loft and by my computer!)
However if it is caught, it will not be released... probably kill it in some humaine way like trapping it in a box full of poison...
Anyway I think they are in the loft, and since we are in terraced house I think the nest - if any, is hopefully in someone elses house
Dont waste time, ring your local council, they should have a free pest control service. A bloke will come round, put some poison down, and you wont see the mice ever again.
Mine were gone the same day
Which proves my theory that pest control agencies are rearing trained vermin which they then release in a rea they fancy making a quick buck in.
You spot the rodents, call up the pest people who blow a ultra sonic whistle and all the mice/rats file into the van.
They stick a few packs of Quavers down as 'poison' and pocket the dosh.
It's the biggest conspiracy since JFK... or at least since the mystery of who at the last bit of cake that was left in the company fridge for Miriam who was off work they day we all had some.
Deo Adjuvante non Timendum
lool sorry to say that but lool, ok enough with the lol's. have you got a cat? or use a mousetrap, it will either kill the poor thing or trap it, normally they dont splatter, it works by breaking its neck or what ever part gets in the trap. Might get one from a 24 hour asda only thing i can think of at this time of night, or maybe a bit extreme but leave out a live wire and hope it sinks it little teeth into it lol only joking dont do that lol sorry mate
cats ftw!!
Buy a cat. Meow.
(Sorry - just completed Twilight Princess)
lmao nice one
but the problem with posion is that they crawl off and die somewhere you cant get to them and your house stinks, just get a trap and do it as otherwise it will smell horrible, and plus if a cat or anything eats the poision then
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