Quote Originally Posted by Agent View Post
30 times a second?

You have to be kidding me! our eyes can perceive 'frames per second' differences in an external source such as a monitor well into the hundreds (perhaps 1000's)
Then again, saying the eye can see X amount of FPS is not strictly true . The way that eyes work means that there is no 'frames per second' between the eye and the brain at play really - Its all to do with discrete measurements.

http://www.100fps.com/how_many_frame...humans_see.htm is well worth a read.

Edit - I also believe the reason a fly can move so fast is due to the way its body can detect the smallest changes in pressure / air direction around it. So by the time you have started to move your hand towards it, its felt the change and moves.
This is back to my GCSE days though, so don't take that as gospel and check it

Wasnt quoting scientific figures mate, just giving a generic idea of how i think it works, i'm rather shaky on the whole thing tbh