when i first saw it- wow thats big. right now its in my pocket. other day got a n95 8gb to replace my xda as i thought it was smaller, but no - its almost the same size. back to the shop went the n95. xda stellar - WICKED!
when i first saw it- wow thats big. right now its in my pocket. other day got a n95 8gb to replace my xda as i thought it was smaller, but no - its almost the same size. back to the shop went the n95. xda stellar - WICKED!
iv had mine for a couple of months now and i really do like it. Its so usefull if your bored somewhere, just being able to take it out and have a play, either fiddling with settings or just opening the internet. HSDA is awsome aswell if you can get onto it, makes the internet so quick.
Iv got one of duttys latest 6.1 roms then:
batti battery (nice big bar along the whole of the top of the screen that shows your battery status)
windows live (business finder, address finder. Effectively google maps & some)
google maps
Last edited by Andeh13; 17-06-2008 at 10:28 PM.
I installed S2U2, but whenever i receive a call it displays just the phone number not the name of who is calling.
Anyone else had this problem/found a fix?
Also anyone with a hotmail account managed to get the e-mails working? I get the odd e-mail or 2, but never all of them/reliable enough to count on it.
and onen last thing, would removeing all of my messages (200+) make any difference to the speed of the kaiser?
cheers guys
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