Not a 'happy go lucky' question by more of a stop and think one.
Everyone, i wouldve thought, wakes up on different mornings in a different mood. I was wondering if whether its just me or does the the title in the thread crop in anyone elses minds aswell??
In your 30's-40's surely this question must crop up more and more. (Im 35 and it does me anyway).
Sometimes, just when things seem all right in your own little world you cant help but think life is too short and you are probably half way through it already. Not a nice thought but a fact.
Other days, things are rubbish and the thought that life is just a drag and a hard slog to get anywhere and think to yourself 'Christ, i might have another 40-50 years of this.
For me personally, life has been very tough over the last 3 years and every now and then you have to take stock.(Not money worries so i suppose i can be grateful for that).
One day, you pull yourself up and decide to 'fight back' at the rubbish things and other days its easy to feel you cba and whatever will be will be.
Does anyone else suffer from this or am i insane (or more iinsane than you thought before?)