We've got a housing association building next door to our house, populated for the most part by some very nice families. Unfortunately, one of the apartments of the top floor is occupied by a Somalian gentleman of uncertain mental stability who has taken to throwing all kinds of crap onto our roof at various times of the day & night.
We've had bags of rubbish, a sleeping bag, and various other bits and bobs find their way onto the roof at times in the past, but so infrequently that we never did anything about it. But I came out of the house at 6.30am a couple of days ago to see a broom, a mop and a plastic bag get thrown onto the roof. The plastic bag and mop came straight down, with the bag splitting upon to spray wet toilet paper (bag was full of it) all over the garden and fence - not used toilet paper, but disgusting none the less.
Then this morning a glass bottle came down off the roof (don't know if it had just been thrown or just dislodged from a previous resting place) and shattered all over the grass.
I'd spoken to some of the residents and they tell me they've complained dozens of times, but the housing association can do nothing about it. By all accounts the guy dumps furniture in the gardens and on the street, chucks stuff out of windows, pisses in the corridors, and has been physically violent with the couple who live next door. I spoke to the housing association rep and they say they're attempting to do something about it, but it's exceptionally difficult to get someone evicted from a property, especially if they're considered 'vulnerable' by the police.
Personally I don't think he need evicting, I think he needs sectioned, but what can I do about it? I'm writing a formal complaint with a request for a formal response, and will chase it up, but with two kids running around, I'm just concerned from a Health & Safety point of view. If the kids are running around in the garden and some more glass gets chucked, the next thing coming through that apartment window will be the occupier.
Ah, the joys of ranting.