BT and/or Phorm have apparently already used their solicitors over some comments related to the charity ads, and what was or was not done. ANYONE publishing claims and comments, including on the net, and including not just HEXUS but YOU, the members, risk being held to account for what you say, in a court.
Where there is a level of perceived legal risk, we'll remove potentially defamatory material while we look at it, and decide whether it is defamatory or not, and whether the level of risk is justified or not, not least because HEXUS is more likely to get sued than the member actually posting comments.
This is NOT saying that anything in our thread was defamatory, or that the level of risk is high over this. Just that it is high enough that we want to look at it, rather than find out afterwards that is was defamatory by ending up in court and with large legal bills.
Discussion of Phorm and or BT is quite legitimate, and we aren't banning mention of that. We're just asking you all to hold off for a while why we work out precisely what got BT and/or Phorm upset to the point that they went down the legal route with it.
I should stress that this sort of potential for legal exposure, and as I said, members are PERSONALLY at risk over what they say, is an issue we are constantly aware of and monitoring. There is a line between what is freedom of speech and what is defamation, and if you get it wrong, it can get seriously expensive ... by which I mean tens, or hundreds, of thousands of pounds. We need to ensure that we stay on the right side of that line, which means being sure where the line is, and explaining it to you lot.
Because if we get it wrong, it has the potential in extreme circumstances, to result in HEXUS getting shut down. We don't want to take that risk without at least assessing it. So it's a short-term precaution. The thread almost certainly will come back, and very likely exactly as it was before. We just need to be sure.