There will be a few of us like that,I am assuming Hank and Trashman will still be rocking in their old age. I was brought up on rock and metal when I was a kid as my dad used to listen to Sabbath, Judas Priest etc and I have been listening to and buying metal ever since. Mind the girlfriend isn't a huge fan when I stick the CD's on Will be listening to metal till the day I die
Steam: (Grey_Mata) || Hexus Trust
I shall be joining the club
been listening to metal since I was 3 according to the parents
Never stopped listening to it, and I dont think I ever will
See, old people are often a lot cooler than you think
Steam: (Grey_Mata) || Hexus Trust
You snooze, you lose
Different context though...I aimed that at TAKTAK
Tr00 metal - on vinyl ;-)
Wonder if he listens to any newer bands...
Imagine when we are in our 80's and kids will be walking past blasting some new age metal crap and us old timers will be saying "when I were a lad we had proper bands like maiden and pantera....."
Steam: (Grey_Mata) || Hexus Trust
Lol yeah when his son said he gets into heavier metal bands as he gets older I had visions of the bloke dressed up in hugh spikes and all painted up like your typical swedish black metal bands. Can just see it now, his wife is knitting in the corner and he is moshing about growling to the likes of Carcass lol
Steam: (Grey_Mata) || Hexus Trust
Execellent find lol.
ill show my dad later.
im sure i will always like rock and heavy metal!
Steam: (Grey_Mata) || Hexus Trust
I started to grow out of it a few years ago, however, lately been digging out all my old CD's and got right back into it. Wife doesn't like it though so don't get a chance to put it on in the house. Limited to my MP3 player going to and from work or on my days off when I'm home alone.
I think though when I get Guitar Hero world tour she will start getting right into it.
Must admit lately she has been getting into Nickelback (yeah a bit commercial) and also Limp Bizkit (Chocolate Starfish album she loves) so a bit of credit where its due there!
Go Grandad
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