I was thinking about all those classic films that I've either seen and loved, or wanted to see and never got the chance, and how I'd probably never get round to seeing them.
So I came up with the idea of hiring a screen out from a local cinema and playing every classic movie I could think of over an entire weekend - starting Friday afternoon, ending Sunday evening, back to back. What I'd love to do is get buses sorted out and open it up to loads of people who wanted to come and do it - but they'd have to be pretty hardcore to get through the weekend.
If there's an average viewing time of 90 mins per film, with a first showing at 5.30pm, I reckon I could fit around 30 films in the play list. So how's about some suggestions? Here's five from me to get it started - but it's got to be classics, pre 1990 (and even that's too late IMO, but I had to get Wall Street in), either stuff you love too much to miss out, or ones you've always wanted to see but haven't got round to it.
1) Raging Bull
2) Cool Hand Luke
3) Taxi Driver
4) Star Wars
5) Wall Street