Don't send item until you have successfully withdrawn the money into your Bank Account and make sure you have no funds left in your PayPal Account, I personally wouldn't accept a payment over £100 via PayPal as the last £500 payment locked down my PayPal Account and PayPal never did side with me even though I jumped through all their hoops to try to get my account back online. Why not suggest him paying via
Nochex - no chance of chargeback that way, it's allot safer for the Seller and cheaper rates for the seller than PayPal is.
So yeah, if u do decide to stay with PayPal:
1) Wait until funds have cleared in your Bank Account before dispatch
2) Always send via Registered Trackable Mail/Courier
>Proof of posting isn't worth sh
where PayPal are concerned, they need to be able to confirm delivery otherwise they will side with the Buyer, every time!