Is there anything more futile in life then arguing with your other half? Please tell me im not alone.
I surrender, I surrender!
Is there anything more futile in life then arguing with your other half? Please tell me im not alone.
I surrender, I surrender!
I find that agreeing that you are always wrong works best - because they don't really believe that is the case really and yet they can't argue against it without giving you a compliment!
Making the unwinable... unbearable!
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Me and my girlfriend would argue all the time about crap, we don't argue that much anymore, maybe once every 3 months or so and then its all over and done with in an hour. Arguing is stupid, you are making your own lives harder.
Last edited by Jay; 27-08-2009 at 11:46 AM.
I used to have mad arguments with the ex to the point where I felt I was walking on egg shells all the time. Got to the point where even agreeing with her didnt work.
SPlit with her now
usxhe190 (27-08-2009)
Me and the missus have never really argued as such, we'll have a brief go at each other and end up just laughing at each other. Small tip though, never laugh at the other party if they're not laughing too, or at least smirking....that one is never pretty.
We dont really argue that much, but when we do it can be over totally pointless things. Most memorable one was about what a differential does, and how it works. The one that really p***** them off is when you start finding them being anoyed ammusing, I have made heroic efforts in this and manged the reward of a two day silence.
Takes two to argue (at least from a male perspective, females may differ).
Step back from the brink dude, it's never worth winning a point. You may feel smug for a while, but she'll make you suffer forever.
sig removed by Zak33
I should have learnt long ago not to argue but that might be why we're heading for divorce!!
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This is bunny and friends. He is fed up waiting for everyone to help him out, and decided to help himself instead!
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