BNP Supporter on YouTube
Every single comment is like this - You support BNP and you are scum.Now that you have made sufficient money out of MY country , is high time you all bought yourselves plane tickets to fly back home to your original native country,..
You have no need to live here anymore,..You done what you set out to do.
I'm quite confident in saying that the majority of us real true English-true British people here,..whose family & ancestors have been here for over 1,000 years and who's Celtic & Briton names are written in the Doomsady book,..(long before ****er like YOU arrived)....we can safely do with out your future presence
Our country was managing quite well before you arrived,..and will do so long after your gone
It's a disgusting and filthy party, all those who are a part of it should be the ones being deported.
See the vid I posted above:
I think is perhaps even more apt...?
That is totally different. No-one minds living in a diverse community (if there is such a thing), and many European countries have immigration in and out from other EU places. This is not minded as the European way of life is very similar wherever you go.
Where cultures actually conflict, and are at odds with the beliefs of the nation being populated, it is a different story altogether.
Having temples/mosques being built is definitely at odds with the way of life in the UK. How would this be equated to ex-pats in SPain? It simply can't be can it.
Ex-pats also do not want to change the laws, or convert their new home into another religion.
I don't care what people do in their own homes, whether they are black/blue/green/christian/muslim/jedi knights.
What i do care about and object to is the way children are being taught Polish/Urdu in schools and the fact that a VAST proportion of the immigrant popualtion can't even be bothered to learn a language that THEIR home speaks.
Also that i have to accept this.
It's not about race or's migrating to another country, no matter where from or to, and expecting everything to be how you want it, rather than everything being how it should be for the native population.
The strain on public finances just for interpretors alone must be enormous.
Do you really think that is unreasonable? I don't.
There is a BIG difference between BNP and the other parties. The difference is the other parties isn't trying to deport your colleague/friend/family/spouse (whatever applies to you) because they aren't "white" enough.
That is totally wrong. Nick Griffin doesn't say what he really wants to say. If he did, he wouldn't be as prominent as he is now. He is trying to appeal to the masses by saying very simplistic statements.
I was discussing in the pub the other day the Halal meat disgrace.
Did you know that KFC are now trialling HALAL ONLY restaurants in the UK. About 40 of them actually.
Can anyone else not see that discriminates against so many people but is designed to keep the muslim popualtion appeased?
A Seikh would not be able to eat there (i think) as it is against their religion.
I also do not agree, neither do the Animal Rights laws, that this practice should be allowed to go on.
It's there to keep a minority of our community happy whilst the rest of us can whistle.
My Great Grandfathers have been dead a long time.
In fact, my grand fathers have been dead over 25 years aswell.
I do not need to ask anyone as i was a front line troop (based in Lympstone), for most of my adult life up until 1999.
The comments i admit are digusting, but this 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' (that we are rapidly losing), is one of the main reason people from not so 'FREE' countries come here.
When people can't say what they feel.....or in fact draw cartoons (did you not think the muslim upraor to that was totally disproportionate and pathetic) without feeling they will be victimised or even murdered, free speech is lost and everyone may aswell move on out!
format (26-04-2010)
You've chastised me in the past for having a 'money only' outlook, but lets try that here.
a minority of muslims actually require halal meat, there are few others who care, some jewish people do but they are even more of a minority.
to cater for the Halal section makes good business sense, especially if you look at the class distribution you will find that they are a significant portion i'd imagine, maybe as high as 10%. That is too much to ignore.
So, someone like me doesn't care if the chicken has been blessed, or just electrocuted the good old fashioned way. What matters is me paying the price premium.
So we have something like this
Cost Of Running Two Kitchens for Halal and Non vrs Cost of Halal meat for all meat sold which doesn't need to be (ie premium*non-halal-sales)
Now given the cost of the former, if you've got sales of 10% or more I'd imagine it pales into in-significance.
So why not sell all meat as Halal, you will make more profit, and everybodies happy*!
*except racist twonks who dislike the idea of eating meat because its halal.
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The only thing wrong on this is I can't eat bacon burgers but I don't usually go to KFC for bacon. The Halal thing I don't care (since Halal just a process of killing animals I think - but then I didn't know how KFC killed the chicken pre-Halal).
The only detestable thing is that I don't think Halal is a good way to slaughter animals (but not sure on this either). You can see I don't know much about Halal stuff.
Blitzen (26-04-2010)
Which is why I drew the comparison earlier of the Nazi 25-point programme and the BNP manifesto... they're effectively the same.
In fact, when the Nazis came to power even, their policies were almost the same as the BNPs.
They didn't tell the truth, why do we assume that Nick Griffin is?
Without going into ridiculous detail on the matter, that's more than enough to convince me never to touch them with a bargepole.
Yeah, there should be a law saying that parties have to at least try do what their manifesto said they would when they get elected really (Labour didn't either) - I can't see any of them voting for it tho. And of course we aren't important enough to get a vote on issues that affect all of us.
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