Ranting at the moment because I'm in pain with the above. Two of them have come through fine on my top set, but its the bottom ones I've got the problem with.
When I last had them ex-rayed they are at an odd angle which means that when they finally do come through (which one has been for years) its going to be very uncomfortable, now it's gotten infected (again) because basically food has gotten trapped down between the flap of skin and the tooth itself.
On my last checkup I asked if that tooth could be removed (I know its a painful operation but with it gone I won't be in this comfort) and was told no because it wasn't impacted
and the op would be very painful after that.
I went into the dentist this morning to re-book my missed appoinment from February and asked if the dentist could write me a perscription there and then because I know she's done it for my sister several times before without seeing her and was told "No sorry can't do that you must see your dentist first"
Thats fine, it just means I'll be up all night again when I goto bed with the pain, my mouth feels like its the size of the albert hall (well on the left hand side anyway)
Don't suppose someone fancies coming down to Cornwall to punch out my wisdom teeth do they ?