Now that A-levels are gone I'm growing tired of playing games all the time and want to learn something that might actually be of use Ideally something with real world applications for work or just general knowledge.
Ideally something that costs little or nothing, I've browsed the OpenLearn with the OU (is free and has all the course materials, you just don't get anything official from it) so am keen to make use of that and similar things online.
Currently I have lined up as ideas:
Basic Languages: German/French
Basic Programming: C++/Java/Python/SQL (both in practice of using them, but also the perceptual and understanding usage of them so that if I end up in a IT/Gaming company I atleast know what's going on)
Basic Web: CSS/Html
Any other suggestions? I've not looked into these, are just brainstorming. Can't think of much else that I would both get use of and have interest in but am open to suggestions.
I'd rather they have application as despite trawling wikipedia for various articles on random stuff being satisfying, it's not exactly stuff I can place on my CV or help me day-to-day
But yeah, any suggestions on stuff I could learn/convert my boredom into use?