Hello all, anouther of my work related feuds...again! Anyway since the 28th i have been of work, i had to go hospital and came pretty close to death (if i hadnt had gone hospital then bye bye razer
lol) So of course with this i had to get doctors notes and provide them for work.
Work has been really good and understanding, well they was when they found out i was in hospital! So role on today and still of work with some random skin pealing thing going on with my hands, doctor advised i have 1 more week of work for my hands to recover, provide work with anouther doctors note and my manager turns around and says this "Seems as you have been off for nearly a month now i'm going to need a full doctors report"
I agreed there and then but now that i have thought about it do i really need to provide this? they know the basic's, i provided the doctors note so do i have to provide a full doctors report? i dont fancy them knowing everything that went on!