@TooNice - Certainly true of platform variance in rates. The problem with simply not buying is it often causes devs to abandon the platform (irrespective of said platform, some PC>Console ports suffered the same fate) rather than stick with it and improve the next effort.
To a degree I can understand this 'crap sales dont bother mentality', but surely any company who releases a disappointing product should be doing some sort of post release investigation as to why. Perhaps they are, perhaps they are not. Either way it takes a gutsy individual in this day and age to say "yeah, we totally screwed the pooch there". Passing blame is much easier/safer these days. In almost every company I worked in (sadly), the attitude is "what happened" and fixes are based on this, almost never do people ask "why did this happen, lets fix that". A lot of conjecture there, but it sure wouldn't surprise me if a lot of it hit near the mark.
There is no perfect solution - piracy is almost undoubtedly higher on the PC, but the target market is larger, scope for more penetration, scope for an epic hit to blow console income right out of the park. Of course larger player based doesn't necessarily equate to larger potential market base as different people have different tastes.
@Kalniel - It comes back to why the revenues are not very good. Why is that? The sales charts show that the market is profitable and is sellable to. So what's wrong? Is it the proliferation of consoles in homes creating an easier standard to code to? Maybe. Is it the higher likelihood of poor DLC selling on a console? Maybe. Is it piracy? Maybe. Is it piss-poor ports (in either direction)? Maybe. Is it because, actually the game is medicore at best but <platform A> has no alternates whereas <platform b> has a lot of better alternates? Maybe. More like its all of the above and more.
I'd bet a lot of money that its a combination of factors, I just feel "its the damned piracy" is an easy excuse to trot out and doesn't need much evidence based support in a release/comment. There are probably other much more significant issues affecting this that should be addressed for the good of everyone. Hiding behind piracy as an excuse/reason which, if we're being honest, isn't uncommon and is the equivalent of sticking ones head in the sand and ignoring changing trends. Other industries which I wont name (for fear inciting an epic derail/flame war) are experiencing this very thing and its working out badly for everyone. I'd rather not see that in one of my favourite industries.
Its not an easy thing to objectively analyse (mainly from a lack of data) and you might've caught me at the wrong time after my whole dead space debacle (I'm not usually this grumpy about it) but I've tried not to make too many emotionally based replies but objective ones attempting to suggest that actually, there's probably a shedload of factors involved here and that the impact of piracy is probably overstated in terms of "failures" of titles.
Overall I just think it's a shame that it appears that a number of developers are abandoning/resigning to second class a platform prematurely. There's so much potential in the PC for both gamers and retailers and the painful part is - when its done badly it hurts everyone, when its done well, everybody wins. Seeing people walk away from that potential is a real shame.
Hopefully that's not closed sounding too cynical