Yeah but cars and trucks actually do something useful. Out present economy relies on the easy availability of transport. On the other hand smokers are just indulging in a selfish drug trip.Originally Posted by Knoxville
Not in Ireland mate. It aint that easy to stop and Irishman drinking . No but seriously thats what everyone said before the ban but the gov pushed ahead with (surprising for them ) but now the numbers in pubs are just the same. If people have to smoke a fag they go outside (in the rain ). I know some people think it is an affront to their basic human rights if they are not able to smoke in public but the majority of people feel that it is a good thing. The fact that no one will light up in a restaurant is brilliant. And the clean air in the pubs is amazing. You feel much better after a night out. No sore throughts or bleary eyes and hangovers dont seem so bad.Originally Posted by Knoxville
Well i'm afraid that is a courtesy that many smokers seem to lack.Originally Posted by Knoxville