Valid concerns, but I'm not seeing anything here that suggests a political inclination anything like that leading to Nazi eugenics.
That said, anything that sets up laws, or precedents, leading to significant curtailing of civil liberties is inherently dangerous. The slippery slope includes that even if we assume the current government is benign, and that the current pandemic situation justifies otherwise unjustiable measures, it eases the path for a subsequent government that isn't benign.
Oh, two other points.
HEXUS has a mix. There are those of a right-leaning tendency for sure, but also, a good few Corbyn fans, and he certainly can't be accused of being right wing.
Secondly, abuses of civil liberties are not the exclusive preserve of the lunatic fringe right. We shouldn't forget the Nazi's, but we shouldn't forget Stalin (or many others) either. The far left history is lettered with murdering, autocratic scum, as well as the far right.
I would argue that it's not either left or right philosophy that is open to abuse, but give any selfish, egocentric nut-job some power and they inevitably want more, no matter how much they have, and regardless of the political tendencies they use and abuse to justify it.