For those who don't read titles This is for FREE mainland delivery from SCAN. There is more information - SCAN Details Accounts will be monitored and people do abuse words will be had
If you want to sign up for it - click this link, over here
If you had 25 posts at midnight last night you will be able to sign up for an account. However if you don't they update each day at midnight.
If you are caught spamming - you will be stopped from using the system.
To look up your user_id please click on your name and you will see in the URL ID=1 or whatever
If you have registered with your details once and try to again it will lock you out and you will need to raise an OLQ (Online Query) with SCAN.
However, please don't abuse the system - don't order a £5 product one day and then another the next day or the system will be stopped.
So SCAN ask for - and since this is a forum thing, you use your FORUM details:
HEXUS USER_ID - for me that is 1 (View USER PROFILE when you click on your name the numerical id)
HEXUS Username - David - (Forum username duh!)
HEXUS Email Address - This is the one you registered on the forums with.
Note by Saracen - for User_ID, click on your username on the left of any post. A menu drops down. Highlight the "Send PM" option, and at the end is a number in the form u=xxxxx. the xxxxx is your User_ID. For DR, as in this post, it's 1.
If any of these details change in a 24 hour period you have to wait for the forums and SCAN to re-sync.
Also don't try and guess any of the @HEXUS addresses - they are all blocked
Any problems please PM Steve A (He will need your HEXUS details, and your postcode in order to look you up!) or post here
Thanks guys