yea i can imagine its the only thing on your mind at the moment.. i have my own remedies for this but i cant state them here ^ ^
As of yet I could personally see nothing negitive there.. you still shouldnt have a thing to worry about mate
also a long shot.. but sometimes laydes use PCs
lol see if she got an e-mail address or if you dont fancy askin her for that one directly, ask one of her friends if she has msn (or what ever) and pass them your addy.. another way to easily speak to someone you are shy too
(person experiences in the same situation as you
tbh )
its been stated before but actin to confident may turn out to be quite bad, and if she is shy aswell she may feel a bit (non sexual refernced....
) dominated and kinda makes them back down a bit a feel you are pushin them in to things.
Obviously not the case for all situations tho so its all really like cards
you need to play your hand right to win
TBH woman are to much hassle ^ ^ keep up the good work tho
build some type of friendship up aswell
even if its as starbust says.. just say hi on the way past if you dont have time to talk or if shes with all her friends, make sure she knows you have noticed her