These weapons are as good a deterrent as they are if used offensively.....
These weapons are as good a deterrent as they are if used offensively.....
Of course, the US nukes are in the hands of it's rebel government...
Well this gives me the chance to learn alittle about how others feel about the US. I not the type of person who think the US could go into any country and kick thier a@@, i would be scared to death if we went to war with China or Korea. Yes iam in the Military but i dont want to DIE for this country... i Wanta Make the Other Bastard Die for HIS Country! I would have to say that YES americans Destroyed the english language. its pretty horrible, it drives me nuts. but what can you expect? The United States is still pretty young as a Country and it is still growing so its to be expected.
To some of those who say America is 'too patriotic', and that they're xenophobic I'd like to make a polite challenge. Since I only moved over here to Arizona 2.5 years ago, from Lancashire, I think I might offer a good perspective.
Since moving here I've found there's a lot over here that is really good and that they do better than I've seen elsewhere - variety, service, availability, low costs, freedoms to pursue life, lifestyles, interests, hobbies. A lot more freedom for independence too. There are though some things which are the opposite - the banking system is seriously screwed up in the way it's all about making money. You have to fork out over 10-15 quid for a cheque book every time you want one. If someone gives you a cheque and it bounces, you get fined! Etc. Insurance over here can be a real pain. And whilst there is ssome medical care for low income people, there can be an atmosphere where people are afraid of getting hurt or going to hospital or the doctors because they can't afford the fees. If someone really needs care, they can get it - they're not that cold - but some times medical care is something done as a last resort.
Anyway, the xenophobe thing. For most of the people in this country I don't see it. You have to understand something. This country is made up of immigrants. There are people from all over the world. Now, it's true that more and more there is an 'all-american' culture, but I find that most of the people here really love to meet foreigners, and want the opportunity to travel and see the world. Some don't always see the point because America is so BIG, and there is much to be seen here, but most of the time people want and love to travel.
As for patriotism and pride - this is a country built by the people. A lot of the time you get out what you put in. It is a big country with a lot of resources, a lot of freedoms, and many people work very hard to get here and to be successful. There is a lot that this country had got right. No two ways about it. America is a good country to live in. There are some here who seem to tell everyone that a bit too much. But let's face it, some country's are just plain better than others. That's not saying anything against someone who is born in a poorer quality country, but on the scale of quality of life and the success of nations America is very near the top.
People can argue politics, left versus right, and there are advantages to both sides. But I find that too many people spout off on subjects they really don't know much about. There's a lot of anti-Americanism about - why? I honestly think a lot of it is jealousy. Yes, there could probably be a lot less 'arrogance' (if you're good you don't have to always tell everyone), but then, if everyone stopped bashing Americans, maybe they'd shut up?
Iraq? Complicated situation. I'm not so sure that it's all about oil. I work 8 hours a day in a talk radio station. All I hear is different opinions and stories about this and that in the world of American politics and culture. Yes, a big part of America is about making money, and it goes too far in some areas and in some big businesses. However, there are stupid pratts in every country, there a greedy pigs in every country, and the 'fat cats' over here probably get more attention because they're fatter than those in other nations (the fact is though, there are plenty of others in the world who are still fat). America didn't deserve Sept. 11th. No-one does. Killing a bunch of civilians and committing murder like that is wrong. Plain and simple. It shouldn't be excused ever. I mean think about it, taking airliners and flying them, full of people, into skyscrapers in busy cities?? That's twisted and sick. No-one deserved that, and the terrorists who did that have no excuse. What did they expect America to do?
People say they went about using too much force and not enough control. Erm...excuse me? An uncontrolled and excessive America could have flattened Afgh. or Iraq entirely. They could have just bombed the place into oblivion, even nuked it.
There's more to Iraq than oil. Saddam was not a nice guy. He wasn't a victim either - not him nor his sick sons. It seems that most nations today want a lot from America but few are prepared to do anything for America. So when they're threatened, when things rise up against America, who's going to defend it? A lot of times and in a lot of ways people isolate America saying put away your guns and give us your money. Hardly fair.
Anyway, I'm writing an essay. I'm sure someone will get back to me on this, I'd better go get my flame-resistant underwear.
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i agree about the america is all about making money.
every one says america is a place of freedom, and liberty (ive forgot what this word means, america is probobly a new f*cked up definition for it though). some one explain plz how exactly americans are more free than us in britain. i think its just americans are more stupid so they think they have more freedom, or are comparing themselves to those in countrys like iraq.
politics - i dont agree with either left or right, i think people should think about politics in other ways, and i think america is to extrem in terms of capitalism (i dont know which side that is... i dont follow politics). polititions themselves have proved them selves useless, it seems they all try to bullrubbishrubbishrubbishrubbish themselves through there jobs, selling themselves instead of acctually doing anything right.
i am not jealous of america atall and i would hate to live there, although if i did it would make bush an easy target for assasination, wot with guns being legal etc...
american as a country/conteneint DESERVED EVERY BIT OF SEPT 11TH!!! noone deserved to die, but it was gonna happen sooner or later, and i wouldnt be suprised if it happend again. i think americans are starting to relise most ppl outside america dont give a flying f*** what happens to them, just as they dont to any one else, and the more we hear americans whine about bad things that happened the funnyer it will get. i cant see much difference between the 11/9 attacks and war on iraq. innocent people died in both, only difference being one had the support of a continent and the other had just a few terrorists, so whos evil now???? tbh i think 11/9 was more usefull to the rest of the world
iraq was all about oil aswell, yes there are 'fat cats' in every country but usually there not the ones with all the power. america is run by money, other countrys are run by common sence.
saddams sons were criminals and have done some very sick things, this is expected in less developed coutrys ran in dictatorships, but they didnt, afaik, commit any war crimes (unlike saddam). had they been americans they would still be alive and be treated very differently.
thats typical american opinion... which is very flawed.People say they went about using too much force and not enough control. Erm...excuse me? An uncontrolled and excessive America could have flattened Afgh. or Iraq entirely. They could have just bombed the place into oblivion, even nuked it.
also shows how patritic you are for america.. would you die for america?
tbh all it needed was about 5 ppl to go into iraq and could have assasinated saddam, same with afganistan.. shows nothing was learnt from vietnam either, so either american leaders are stupid, or they done the war this way because of the patritic hype which you all crave... - the reson pictures of the dead bodys of saddams sons were shown, to get more support for the war which was almost over, but was starting more problems than before...
well tbfh this is turning into an america against the rest of the world situation, and america can not win. america has lost a lot of its power, and will lose more, so what can it do? more pathetic speaches by bush (these are very funny) or start ww3 with nukes...when things rise up against America, who's going to defend it?
how can you say that? america is full of money grabbing bastards.A lot of times and in a lot of ways people isolate America saying put away your guns and give us your money. Hardly fair.
i await your cunning reply, and no im not a terrorist, im just an average british man, and i odnt support iraq etc.. either, im lazy, and i only support things with a reson, which is why i dont vote (not old enuf yet, but i wont be when i am) and why i think both the terrorism and attacks on terrorism is pointless, niether side can win.
(this must be my longest post ever 3754 chars!!!)
Last edited by SilentDeath; 06-11-2003 at 09:40 PM.
also does it annoy anyone else when every american film at some point has an american flag waving around in it atleast once, more annoying in american serieses.
every time i see an american flag it makes me want to burn it, acctualy i think that would be a fun stunt, much like david blains stuff (in that its as annoying for the intended audience), burning american flags live on american tv, would be even better if we could get lots of people to do it, just to show how much we support the war on iraq
also click the link in my sig - read what TCPA is, thats the sort of thing we can expect while america is after all our money - taking away our freedom, they may aswell lock us up in cages so we cant do anything wrong, or like in the film eqilibruim, although that woudnt be economical cos ppl would probly spend less...
Last edited by SilentDeath; 06-11-2003 at 09:50 PM. deserved to die - but they deserved it? Care to explain that?american as a country/conteneint DESERVED EVERY BIT OF SEPT 11TH!!! noone deserved to die, but it was gonna happen sooner or later, and i wouldnt be suprised if it happend again. i think americans are starting to relise most ppl outside america dont give a flying f*** what happens to them, just as they dont to any one else, and the more we hear americans whine about bad things that happened the funnyer it will get. i cant see much difference between the 11/9 attacks and war on iraq. innocent people died in both, only difference being one had the support of a continent and the other had just a few terrorists, so whos evil now???? tbh i think 11/9 was more usefull to the rest of the world
While you're at it, would you mind giving your opinion as to why the attacks were made.
As for not caring - how does being proud of a lack of compassion ever count as a good argument for superiority?
No difference between the attacks? Innocents died true - but in the 9/11 attacks the civilians were the TARGETS, in the Iraq war the targert were military. Civilian casualties are lamentable yet they have always been a part of modern warfare.
I also think you'll find that the terrorists are more than a few. There are many who gave their support to the attacks in the middle east.
Did you by any chance see the footage of the dancing in the streets in the middle east over US (and other nations') civilian casualties? You'll see no such mainstream joy in the US. Purposely targeting civilians is immoral and evil.
9/11 was more useful? How exactly?
Your compassion and care for human beings is overwhelming.
Erm, which countries?america is run by money, other countrys are run by common sence.
Rape, murder, torture, extortion, abuse etc.....saddams sons were criminals and have done some very sick things, this is expected in less developed coutrys ran in dictatorships, but they didnt, afaik, commit any war crimes (unlike saddam). had they been americans they would still be alive and be treated very differently.
I imagine they'd be on their way to the chair by now if not already dead.
Exactly my point sir.well tbfh this is turning into an america against the rest of the world situation
America makes no such complaint or criticism of other nations as it receives itself.
I am not gung-ho, pro-American all the way, America has its faults, plenty of them. There are many things I miss from my life in England. However, there are too any people spouting the same cheesy, anti-american lines and they give no real thought to the situation, nor do they care.
I'd like you to tell that to a good freind of mine.Originally posted by |SilentDeath|
american as a country/conteneint DESERVED EVERY BIT OF SEPT 11TH!!!
You just lost any respect I have for you, or your opinions.
I'm getting increasingly pissed off with the anti-american resentment leading to fanaticism in this forum, they aren't spotless, and they deserve a lot of critisizm for their foreign policy ( which country doesn't !?!) but as for flag burning and saying that america deserved thousands of innocent people to die?
It isnt america that worries me, its people like you.
I happen to LOVE Americans
'Course I'm biased
As for the thread topic, I think the replies here have proven what all open minded and loving people already can see- Variety is the color of ANY Country, be it Britian, USA, Scotland, Greece, Australia, Iraq...... Doesn't matter, all countries are made up of the people that live in them and we choose to live in our OWN Countries for our own reasons. Those reasons are as diverse as the people that live in these countries.
I myself have been to Amsterdam (NO not for that reason) and to South Africa, look forward to coming to the UK someday soon. My parents made trip there juts a few months ago, loved the country and most of the people they met.
When I go somewhere else I am very interested in seeing there view on life and the way, and sitations, they have on adily basis.
It's the ONLY tru way to get a clear picture of another country, other than to move there. I always look for the good things they have that are new to me so I can take them back home with me. I have to say that when I went to SA in '97 it changed my view on everyday life immensely! My day to day life has gotten much better from the perspective I gained through this trip.
I also learned that there are many people in ALL countries that choose to look at only the negative things they see in others.
The word HATE and looking at the world through "brown" colored glasses with a cyincal attitude is some of the problem with people and open commmunication between different cultures.
In the end I think we have many things to be proud of here as well many things to be ashamed of and need to work. Of course this could describe ANY of our countries, not just the US.
I have met many CLAS people here, love the change in atmosphere from my AMerican life but I also LOVE my life here and enjoy the differnces that other people and cultures bring into the world.
BTW- wasn't going to say anything negativew here but I gotta say- I find the Southern accent very annoying too
i dont mind if you say whats wrong with us... maybe america doesnt have that many complaints. im sure you wont find us pretending to be superior over every other nation, or destroying languages, or the environment, or wasting resources like america does.America makes no such complaint or criticism of other nations as it receives itself.
infact the only complains i can see you make against the UK and europe is that we dislike/hate you.
my anti american resons are original ones mostly, and i think youll find are not cheesy either, and i assue you plenty of thought has gone into this situation, but your right, america is the one place i do not care about.
i dont mind if you say whats wrong with us... maybe america doesnt have that many complaints. im sure you wont find us pretending to be superior over every other nation, or destroying languages, or the environment, or wasting resources like america does.America makes no such complaint or criticism of other nations as it receives itself.
infact the only complains i can see you make against the UK and europe is that we dislike/hate you.
my anti american resons are original ones mostly, and i think youll find are not cheesy either, and i assue you plenty of thought has gone into this situation, but your right, america is the one place i do not care about.
i cba to prove the bits you quoted, i think i explained perfectly well already. if you wernt so closed minded you would understand what i think, i dont care if you agree...
bugger... how did i manage to dbl post? thought it only lets you post once per minit ....
Last edited by SilentDeath; 06-11-2003 at 11:33 PM.
SD, it's EASY to pick others apart, I choose not to do that, serves no positive purpose.
If you choose to see ALL of the USA through the media and our politicians then so be it. Your choice.
I choose to look for the postivie in others and work on the negative in myself, after all I am the only one that can change me
And I don't think I know ALL of the UK just because I have BBC and the world news and see what Mr. Blair does, your country is much more than just what your government does, it's the people that live there that makes it what it is. That is the point I was trying to make. Visit the US, see the Mid-West, Indiana, Michigan, all the farm country basically, what you see there is California and all of the flash and greed. The heart of America lies in it's center, NOT in California and Washington. Most of the people of th US are VERY kind and compassionate anad caring people. I think that is all that really matters. I wish I could go to Washington and make everything perfect, unfortunately things are WAY to complicated to do that, but most of us continue to try to always get better. That's all any of us can do.
Last edited by RocketmanX; 06-11-2003 at 11:51 PM.
on the nuclear warhead things that have been mentioned...
how many weapons are being shipped out of america to 'under-funded and indefensible' countries?
The US is shipping arms world wide, right under their leader's noses, and these weapons invariably get turned against them...brains eh!! as for nuc's I'm sure control is tighter but they still go missing.
I also don't like the way the US government decides what it wan't to show people and what they shouldn't see. I know its a little off topic but there are lots of places round the US where if you go anywhere near you get picked up and turned round - whats with all the secrecy? It seems that the internet has manyof the worlds anwers, why try keeping the obvious from people??...
may be this goes on all over the world but in the UK at east our governent has learnt subtlety..
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