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Thread: South Park . OTT?

  1. #33
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    why mocking them is fun.

    Should i take offense when people joke about me been tall?
    Should their be laws to stop people making jokes about me (or other tall people)?

    Hell no.
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  2. #34
    Smoke Me A Kipper! Slick's Avatar
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    In some circumstances making jokes about height should be stopped, if I went around to a physically disabled school and started laughing at some of the kids because they were abnormally small, this would be stopped. Just as if I did the same with black kids. However in most cases, jokes about height are extremely light hearted and the person who is the subject does not mind. Everyone who is religious takes their religion seriously and their particular religion should be of infinate importance to them. If everyone had the same view about their particular height, then inciting hatred towards different heights should be outlawed too.
    Last edited by Slick; 16-04-2006 at 03:43 PM.

  3. #35
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    why i rip on a friend of mine for been black all the time (espesually when in shops he gets followed by security), he rips on me for been white and born in germany, as well as the sterotypical view of white people having smaller penis size. We're much better balanced for it, because we're making a commentry on the status quo, we're showing with humour how pathetic the sterotypes are.

    If you can't laugh at life what can you laugh at? (crippled kids because their dead inside?)

    An example, my mum got fibro/poly-milagre (sp?) so basically she's crippled, she can't be given the steroid because of her addosense, and diabiets (which was invoked by the steroid used to help with mobility issues of pollymilagre). Now when this first happened to her she would refuse to take a cripple cart (mobility scooter) in city centers or just supermarkets when she was tired. Start calling htem cripple carts, and moking the stigma around them, she has no problem going upto the desk clark and asking for a cripple cart, because of the confidence it gives her.
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  4. #36
    Smoke Me A Kipper! Slick's Avatar
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    I think its got more to do with the motives behind the joke. The motives behind the jokes between you and your friend is to take the mick out of racism and the stereotypes so you're seen as the same because of it, which is a good thing. Often the motives behind mocking someone's religion is to deliberately cause offence and upset its followers, this in my view is wrong. Just as if I saw your mum in the street, I didnt know her and started calling her a "cripple" and laughing just to upset her.
    Last edited by Slick; 16-04-2006 at 03:58 PM.

  5. #37
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    it really depends, a nice bit of jailbait was grinning at me when i was walking down the street to get some sunflower oil yesterday, she was staring at my face, reason been i'd picked up a hudge streak of blue ink. She was laughing at me. I didn't take offense, i became slightly embrassed, yes. But if i'm any kind of person at all i shouldn't feal bad about it.
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  6. #38
    Smoke Me A Kipper! Slick's Avatar
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    But again its down to motives, by smiling at ink on your face she didn't want to cause you offence and upset, she was smiling because it was amusing that you didn't know.

  7. #39
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    When it comes down to it, wether it be south park or other images (newspaper print), these guys will find a way to incite voilence.. for example at a protest about the newspaper prints.. 99% of the crowd was smilling... Personally if I was so very offended, I wouldnt be smiling.
    The religion isnt the cause for this, its the minority that decide to stir things up.

    Would I say things if I knew as a direct consequence people would die? Yes if I believed them to be right.. Even in the UK, I believe being able to say what you want when you want is a fundamental right.. one that is quietly taken away.. but a right all the same. These people are cowards that hide behind religion to kill hundreds of innocent people for reasons that would baffle. Its not the first time and certainly wont be the last.. The two towers? well if that wasnt a invitation for a arse kicking I dont know what is.

    Some people might question my morality/conscience for the aforementioned statement, but put quite simply its MY opinion, if they decide to go on a killing spree with people who never even mentioned it, its not really my problem. Should we all be sat at home afraid to speak in case someone gets offended? Hell no. Actions have consequences, they always will. There are always antagonists who will use the slightest thing (fat thin wearing glasses.. just different) to cause a fight, these guys just use bombs instead of fists and use their religion as a excuse.

    According to the koran most of us are infidels just leading our daily lives without drawing pictures. Religion to me is just another cult for control, and how successful it is!.

  8. #40
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    Exactly, if somoene greatly offens me, i'd not punch them. I mean an example, a mate of a mates who came to lunch yesterday and i were talking about this, he was saying how it just wouldn't offend him to see a picture of mohammed, despite what others of his religion would say, he would find it just rude, no different from me calling him a racist slur. We then even joked about how it could be offensive, i sugested two stickmen, one jesus the other, you know who, the jesus one been about an inch taller, and with a rather well toned stickmen. He then sugested adding jesus with a really big penis, again we just found it funny. He's belief is that you can't draw the prophet, because you can't capture it on mortal drawing means. As such its just CLEARLY not their prophet, so why take offense, instead laugh at the ignorance.
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  9. #41
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    I might be going off topic slightly, but if may of you may recall a leaflet going around with the july the 7th bombings with captions like "we told you so" isnt really acceptable..

    This could make muslims (and a lot of the time non-religious asian and african minorities) the target of white violence..

    I am not religous. and do not agree with any religion.. but i do not believe we should be made to do anything..

    I.e. Parts of christianity possibly islam and judaism sound like an insurance ad "Do this that and that and all will be good.. dont and suffer the consquences".

    Yeah ok so it may sound like an immature point.. ill go talk to the wall

    He then sugested adding jesus with a really big penis
    roughly how big in comparison to the rest of his body was this?

  10. #42
    Now with added sobriety Rave's Avatar
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    There's a good overview of the whole cartoon episode here:

    I'd particularly draw your attention to the section 'Danish Imams tour the Middle East'.

    I haven't seen either of the episodes. To be honest though, while I like South Park a lot, I often find my enjoyment spoiled at the end when the moral message is unsubtly rammed down my throat.

    As for whether it's irresponsible to 'provoke' Muslims by publishing potentially 'blasphemous' words or pictures- fundamentalists flew planes into the twin towers and blew up commuters in Madrid and London before any of these cartoons were published. I do believe that Muslims can live in peace with people of other faiths (and, of course, atheists like myself), but I do not believe that the way to achieve that is to kowtow to their every demand. The fatwa against Salman Rushdie has been in place for 17 years now and he's still alive, which suggests to me that the vast majority of Muslims don't go in for 'defending' their faith through extreme violence.

  11. #43
    Mike Fishcake
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnimus
    why mocking them is fun.

    Should i take offense when people joke about me been tall?
    Should their be laws to stop people making jokes about me (or other tall people)?

    Hell no.
    It's not really the same though is it?

    You don't get political parties set up to create policies discriminating against tall people.

    You don't get people issuing literature and propaganda to claim it's bad for tall people and short people to mix.

    You don't get "tallist" groups stomping around chanting "no-one likes a lanky"

    You don't get gang wars between tall people and short people.

    You don't get civil wars in countries because they can't agree on the right height that people should be.

    Taking the mickey out of someone's height, which in some circumstances may have the potenial to be upsetting, is nowhere near as serious as the deep-seated hatred some people have for people that don't share their beliefs, opinions or skin colour.

  12. #44
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    Having watched the episode ( I love bit torrent ) I just thought the censoring was ridiculously ironic and made the episode funny.

  13. #45
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Fishcake
    It's not really the same though is it?


    Taking the mickey out of someone's height, which in some circumstances may have the potenial to be upsetting, is nowhere near as serious as the deep-seated hatred some people have for people that don't share their beliefs, opinions or skin colour.
    Its hardly as if the subject is the beliefs. As long as its not overly malace, and people realise its a joke, then theres little or no harm surely?

    And people do persicute tall people, you've never flown ryain air!
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  14. #46
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    What do we really lose if it isn't aired? nothing. Life goes on..

  15. #47
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    We would lose a laugh!. True some people go OTT over simple things. But damn, if we cant have fun, whats the point in living?.

  16. #48
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    If our sole purpose for existing was to have fun who the heck invented monday mornings (ex bank holidays)

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