seconded. so many of the skills required to become a safe driver are down to moving things from short term memory into muscle memory - e.g. if you ever think about changing gear, then you're not ready for your test (you should occasionally move your hand to the gear stick and say "oh, i already changed it, yay for me, wonder when i did that")Originally Posted by shelley bda
you can't rush that part - and it's part of why driving with parents is so vital. you can learn new things with an instructor, then hammer them home over & over & over with parents, until you can do them in your sleep. or with your eyes shut. not that you should be driving whilst asleep or with your eyes shut. you might even pick up on better technique for some manouvers (e.g. the turning points for reverse parking manouvers) with a parent, and it's good to get experience of at least two different cars