Finished reading "All Fun and Games Until Someone Looses an Eye" by Chistopher Brookmyre. Probably his best book so far. Really good story and characters. Not so much of an explosion fest as some of his others, and he gets the technology/computing plot devices right, which makes a change for any book.
Akso read "The Incredible Adam Spark" by Alan Bissett. i was expecting it to be really funny, which it is in parts, but it's also very very dark in places. You really start to worry about the main character. It's all written it the first person (as if Adam "Sparky" Spark was telling the story) and in a Falkirk accent. a lot of words are written as they sound, or at least as Adam would hear/say them.
not sure what is next, i'll have to pick a could from my pile for holidays next week