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Thread: Good News For Vulcan Appeal

  1. #33
    Senior Member greektony's Avatar
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    presumably then Fidely, you spend all your money and time then helping the 3rd world.............I think not.

    Personally I believe that this is part of our nations heritage much like many monuments and buildings are, so should be restored to its original condition for us all to enjoy. What this has to do with the 3rd world, i have no fecking idea, but nice rant anyway Fidley
    Well, I can cut it in half!

  2. #34
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    Your missing the point If i had millions tos spend some aircraft would not be my first option My point was, just for those who don't get it, that all we do is care about our selfish selves. Hell i view most of 'our' hertiage as selfishness. Society- looks down on people if they don't have a lot o mulla, kids get laughed at etc. The wars (ok hilter deserved to be taken out, but look at what we do today!). Tea- ffs it's not even english it's being adopted. Planes- waste fossil fuels etc etc. Mate i could go on for hours and hours! Slave trade etc etc

    FYI: I'm not exactly made o money but i do ok and i give to charity (not the odd pence in the 'whatever' box, altho every little helps) direct debits etc.

    Maybe it's a great plane and 'won the war' all i'm sayin is look at the real issues. Quick scan of this thread and i saw some waffle about education, LOL wtf, how does a plane give people the power to make informed descions about life (thats what i view education as anyway). We can take a picture stick in it a book and all this 'waste' as i see it could be put to good use the homeless, suffering, and less capable, and those pictures would suffice.

    Also when did i say, YOU'RE ALL SELFISH, YOU SHOULD DEICATE ALL YOUR TIME TO BETTER CAUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111112222 And it has everything to do with the suffering in the world, when the money involved is as high as i presume this is. Or can you not see the link?

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  3. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fidley
    Suffering is all very relative. Your suggestion that the others need perspective is flawed, perhaps attributable to you being young. The cost of the Vulcan to the Sky project is a but a drop in a vast, vast ocean.
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  4. #36
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    Sky project as in? And i'll stand by my suggestion thanks, unless you care to ellaborate futher than 'is flawed'.

    EDIT: If you mean by sky project, all aircraft that are kept in the air. Then it's still a waste of money that, relative to us all leading a half decent life, could do quite a lot! Why? Well because it's not nesscary to keep the country and it's allies safe, is it? But you know good ol blighty must have pompous parades, doesn't matter if the money could be used to save a child dying in africa from aids or anything! No, no, pomp pomp pomp pomp! Sorry, just gets my goat up!
    Last edited by Fidley; 07-09-2006 at 12:42 AM.

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  5. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fidley
    Sky project as in? ...
    Vulcan to the Sky, and I did give a reason... I believe it's a very worthwhile endeavor to keep such classic aircraft flying. I'm sure that the B-17 'Sally B' has gobbled up millions of pounds worth of funds to stay airworthy, and I believe it would be a travesty to substitute an aircraft that serves as a memorial to the seventeen thousand American airmen who lost their lives defending Europe during World War II for a 'picture in a book'. The same goes for the BBMF and the like. Flying memorials to the millions who suffered and the thousands who fought and did not return to protect the way we live, somthing that you propose we change so drastically (that is what you are proposing, a radical change). Suffering of people is relative, depending upon where you live, and you're opinion is blithe - disregarding.

    The Vulcan served as nuclear deterrent, the accepted way of preventing, for all intents and purposes, the extinction of civilization as we know it. That is the educational intent of this project, and somthing it seems you have missed.

    I can agree that more could be done with funding international relief aid, but why you would denigrate the commitment of these people in particular is unusual, for the relative pittance the project costs.
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  6. #38
    F.A.S.T. Butuz's Avatar
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    In all seriousness Fidley - third world poverty is not something that is inflicted on us by gorge and mabel not going into the local shop and putting a quid in the "save the third world" box. It is inflicted on us by the rest of the worlds governments who don't give two hoots about it (regardless of what they say).

    If every civilised country in the world put their hands in their pockets and stumped up some small change (say at least £5million) then maybe we could do something to help. But its the root cause that needs to be addressed over there, and stumping up £2 a month - will not really help (regardless of how much you kid yourself otherwise)

    Now put the keyboard down, leave the comfort of your fully furnished home, and go to africa and do something to help, if you obviously feel so strongly about it. If your not willing to do that, then stay out of this thread and stop trying to make us feel guilty for caring about *somthing* that is not a person.


  7. #39
    Senior Member greektony's Avatar
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    hear hear butuz. Well said
    Well, I can cut it in half!

  8. #40
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    Not trying to make you feel guilty just think a bit. If so many people can rally together to save a plane....... but yes i will leave it now, cus theres no arguing with you lot. Sorry for having an opinion!

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  9. #41
    Senior Member greektony's Avatar
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    dont apologise Fidely, we arent all perfect
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  10. #42
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    Just the comment i'd expect tbh..... Go look at some planes!
    Last edited by Fidley; 07-09-2006 at 10:58 AM.

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  11. #43
    Has all the piri-piri! GeorgeTuk's Avatar
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    Most of the money donated to 'Third World' countries ends up in the pockets of corrupt officials and terrorists so I no longer contribute, and anyway my government regularly donates large amounts of money to these states.

    Money for the tsunami Sri Lanka ended up in the Tamil Tiger accounts and money for the Pakistan earthquake fund ended up in radical Muslim schools which advocate terrorism. So if it cannot be trusted why give?

    Also in terms of the 'perception' argument raised above...many of the 'poor' tribes in deepest Africa do not want money as it corrupts their delicate society systems. Yes they would like a well but since that is an invention in the last century and some tribes date back to early AD they are fine without it and many say this.

    If you want to see how charity corrupts look at the US helping its 'poor' but mineral and oil rich state of Alaska where the number one illness is now alcoholism.

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  12. #44
    Senior Member mcmiller's Avatar
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    rather than give money it would be much better to help poor countrys create sustainable economys, the notion that giving millions of pounds helps is some what outdated and as georgetuk said 9/10 times it ends up in corrupt offical hands

  13. #45
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    I think he has a point to be honest, but really your misdirecting your indignation here, if you really want to complain about wasted money, that endevour in Iraq has cost us at least 7bn pounds. Thats enough to feed every hungry child on earth.

  14. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fidley
    The wars (ok hilter deserved to be taken out, but look at what we do today!).

    Maybe it's a great plane and 'won the war' all i'm sayin is look at the real issues. Quick scan of this thread and i saw some waffle about education, LOL wtf, how does a plane give people the power to make informed descions about life (thats what i view education as anyway). We can take a picture stick in it a book and all this 'waste' as i see it could be put to good use the homeless, suffering, and less capable, and those pictures would suffice.
    Not just alking about 3rd world issues, and to create a sustainable economy takes money!

    Also, no offence G4Z, but i wasn't just talking about this particular instance, i've highlighted in case you missed it.

    And i'm pretty sure that medical aid for those african tribes would be greatly appreciated.

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  15. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fidley
    Also, no offence G4Z, but i wasn't just talking about this particular instance, i've highlighted in case you missed it.
    So what i've said hasn't changed your mind then?
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  16. #48
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    Kudos to them yamangman! They see something they think is important and do something about it! Can't argue with that, i just don't see how it's goin to help the world. Sure poeple lost their lives, but it's too late for them Again not being flippent, i'm grateful They saved us, respect where it's due! Just that, well, it's too late. I buy poppies on rememberance sunday and the like. Hell my grandad's friend drowned himself in a barrel of oil in a submarine during the 2nd world war. Anyway, what did they do it for... to save lives and keep good will, freedom, equality alive. I'm sure my grandad had all the respect, for his friend and others, in his heart that he needed. Poppies yes, wasted money no.

    Sorry meant to reply earlier (to your point), got sidetracked a troll
    Last edited by Fidley; 07-09-2006 at 02:00 PM.

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