Just started using dual screen on a daily basis and im really pleased with it. One of the problems iv had however, is the fact i cant find a way of using one image, stretched accross both monitors. iv found pictures big enough to do it, yet i cant find a setting which will allow me to stretch 1 image accross both screens. Im using a 7900GT with latest nvidia drivers & ultramon to sort out the dual screenedness, neither seem to have an option to do it.
As for themes, iv been going through numerous 'post your desktop' threads and quite fancy a change from the basic XP theme, iv done various searches, tried various sites yet so far iv been unable to find a decent, safe reliable way of doing it. Each time i find a good theme im prompted to download various toolbars and search programs before i can download & use the actual theme, can anyone recommend a good site for safe XP theme downloads, one that preferably includes instructions on how to apply them.
last of all, can anyone recommend a few subtle, black, silver & blue themes (cars/girls) that would work well with duel[1280 x 1024] screen?
thanks guys.
edit: duel -> dual