Ok, lets scroll back one month ago to 4th October. i was getting ready and noticed a small lump on my underarm. I thought it was an ingrown hair as i am of a afro-caribbean background and we are assoctieded with these problems. i have had many problems in the past with ingrowing hairs which tend to make a small boil and settle down, yes painfull for a week or two but nothing i can't live with!
So i carried on living life as normal, so let's scroll to three weeks later. The boil on my under arm had spread to about 10cm long and 3cm wide. I ignored it as it was fillied with puss and i thought it was going to burst in its own natural time, but this one did not want to burst! lets scroll too sunday the 29th i woke up in incredible pain! i thought i got college and work tommrow let me see if i can go the monday with baring the pain, so i did but when i went to bed that night the bed was rubbing my underarm as i sleep on my stomuch.
I work up the tuesday moring in great agony, i made and emergency apoiment with my doctor, she said i need to go too A&E now. so off i went on the bus to NEWHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL, i thought what was going on with me! not only did they make me go to the most worst hospital in east london, i had also asked if i could go royal london they said they can't talk to the specialist down their as the GP was not linked with the London royal hospital!
So i got to NEWHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL(sorry i put this in caps but this is the worst hospital i ever been too) the nurse looked at me and told me to sit down i waited two hours for a blood test i thought "ok, this is the NHS" after the wait, they told me to wait again i was not happy thatn i had been wating about 5 hours and the sign said "we try too see everybody in 3".
anyway it was more serious then i thought it turns i had an abcess on my under-arm and i was going to need to be cut and stuff with some antibiotical cotton i thought ok i will get this done to day!
They then drag me too a ward where a doctor takes a look and says to me i need to check your whole body i thought in my head" this means my penis and balls, i haven't let nobody see these things since i was a kid" He then took an glove and started to touch my genitilia i asked him what are you searching for he said im loooking any signs of sexual disease, cancer .etc i had thought my blood came back postive that i had some sexual disease. i started to worry i thought how am i going to explain that to my mother! my blood pessure went sky high it was 134/89.
so they then tell me i need to stay at hospital and they will operate on me tonight(wensday) and send me home tommrow. they said i couldn't eat. I hadn't eaten since tuesday lunch time! so they put me in the bed and put me on a drip i was like "why are you doing this to me" they said "so you don't become dhydrated" i thought "just feed me i anit sick" they told me they coludn't do so because they were going to operate on me, i thought "ok that's great"
so time went by 1am came and i was starving, lying in bed with a drip attached to a badly done vain insert, getting anitbiotics, painkiller and salt water stuffed down my drip! i thought to my self "i anit even sick" the doctors came down at 2am and told me it wasn't going happening tonight i thought "you k***s" and my football was playing and i couldn't watch it and i was hungry! so i was fuming and then i managed to get to sleep in some odd postion with a drip in my arm.
i work up thursday they said it might be this morning i thought "great they stuff more medicanes and i told a nurse look that line has an air bubble init i no that, that has a chance of colloting up your heart so i told her she said "im sorry, i hadn't seen it in your drip line" i thought typical NHS. anyway the whole wednesday and thursday i was starved then 9.45pm a surgeon said "im taking you upstairs to get your abcees cut,-drained and pack" i thought "thank god". i asked him do you want me to get up and walk he said i need to push you up i thought by yourself he self he said "yes" i thought "ok if you really want too" he strugled in what was a two man job.
so he gave me some stuff to sleep i was out cold i woke up and remebering a nuse say pull it out of your mouth so i rember pulling something coming out but don't remeber doing the action. i woke up in a mass of pain they called the porters at 11.50pm and they didn't arrive then at 12.40 the nurse came up and said he was going to do it as i had been waiting to go back for 50mins and they suregon's had worte a wirtten complaint as i need to get medication and pain killer qucikly, a job that should of taken 10mins max had now taken them one hour. i was angry as i was in so much pain. i manged to get back on the ward then they said they could only give me toast i thought "come on guys this is the NHS this not what i pay tax for" so i eat toast an drank water.
i woke up after a good nights sleep the doctors said at 9am "i could go home" they need to preper my discharge papers and medication. they also said they need to change my banaged and then she rip of my bandaged and i saw a yellow they ball of string about the widht if a zip stuffed in some yellow liquid in a hole in my arm i thought great this going to hurt she pulled it out and it was mega painfull andit took her 50mins to stuff it with a clean piece of cotton and rebanged it! i thought "this going to hurt when i take it out to get changed" why had it taken so long? they couldn't find any large bandages, they had to use multiple bandages to cover an area in which requires a large banaged! i thought in this time i could have caught MSRA or something! then she repacked the open wound then they came with my medicance and discharges papers at 12.30 and said i could Go
sorry for any spelling or mistakes i have made with my grammer and sentence constuction!
some more info!