Bah, being in the UK it's horrible, we're so spoilt for choice . But it seriously does make things confusing, but I've decided to chase the illustration boat for my future since I can't really paint or anything, I just draw.. and it has better career aspects than Fine Art in my opinion that would satisfy me.
I've checked The Times and The Guardian's top Art & Design university charts, and they're both totally different, except with Oxford on the top (and it's too late to apply there ) I've got enough UCAS points to go anywhere else, and I really don't mind studying anywhere within the UK. I just want to know where the best sorta places are for illustration . I heard some places like Loughborough and such are good, but I also heard specialist Art Universities are also good in particular aspects. Bah ;_;
I know this is a specific question so any help is cool. Also if anyone who studied any art related subject could breifly write their experience or if they recommend it something?
(Excuse me for any poor writing, I'm still up doing artwork lol)