Eek, uni! Such a baffling thing.
I'm 17, first year of sixth form and really need to start thinking about where I want to go and what I want to do.
I'm quite interested in computer science, but everybody seems to do that, and no offence but anybody can do IT. I'm quite intelligent I think, hopefully I can get ABB or even AAB at A levels, and I'm doing my maths A2 level this year (1 yr early), so I'm not too bad at maths.
Is maths a good degree to do? I want to hear from someone doing it, and whether it is REALLY hard . Uni is meant to be enjoyable, and I don't want to do a course that weighs me down with so much work that I can't go out and have fun.
If I did choose computer science, I hear it involves maths modules? Or would computer science and maths be a good course? It's the old vocational course vs academic course dilemma, anybody have thoughts on which is better?
Also where to go to uni? I have looked at quite a few, Exeter, UCL, Nottingham and I can't choose. I need to hear from people who are at a good uni, I want it to have a good social life, but need peoples comments to know what is good
Just your general thoughts on uni life would be helpful, what course do you do? do you enjoy it? is it worth doing?
Thanks for the help guys