I'm thinking of getting the 8800 GT (512MB) but part of me is thinking, wait for the '9' series cards to come out that are DirectX 10.1 certified. I'm currently abusing a 7950GT, which runs all the games I'm playing pretty good (GoW, COD4 & Crysis), but to be honest I'd like to get a tad more out of GoW and especially Crysis!
I'm not 'that' bothered but that's because I don't really know what differences I could expect from DirectX 10.1 compared to 10 - is there likely to be anything significant?
I've had a bit of a 'Google' on the subject but can't really find anything conclusive - I'm not even going to consider ATI - have had many bad experiences with them and Linux support schtinks!
Any advice would be much appreciated.