I was recently very lucky to be at a pre-Bloodline party hosted by those loverly people from ATi... over a few HUGE flaggons of Bavarian beer, conversation of course turned to graphics cards and graphics in general.
Now, it's undisputed that the main reason for these more and more powerful cards is to get the best performance possible to give a better playing experience.
Or is it?
There was a rather animated discussion about graphics going on which I was dragged into to comment on the graphics in Half Life 2. The argument was along the lines of 'Isn't the water rendering in HL2 fantastic?' versus 'Yeah, but why can't you produce a set a drivers unified for Windows Media Center AND gaming?... so stuff your flash water effects'.
My part in the conversation put a whole new swing on things when I was asked what I thought... which was that even on my 9800XT, running Cat 4.1s, HL2 looks great.
The response was that it would look even better on a more powerful card, but I have to wonder if this is really true.
Sure, you can quote visual quality measures at me and reel off frame rate charts all day long... but those are measurements made by a computer... can YOU with YOUR naked eye actually see a difference?
With this thought in mind, I rolled up to Bloodline the next morning and noticed that on our superb HEXUS posters, we had a shot of a nVidia SLi set-up and two screen shots taken from a couple of reviews I did (HL2 and Doom3). You couldn't see that those shots were done on a 9800XT... more inportantly you COULDN'T see that those shots WEREN'T done on a higher end card.
Then I watched the SLi machine running through 3DMark 2005, with the little bar showing how much the cards were waiting for the CPU to send them info to process and finally those nagging thoughts crystalised into one coherent question, and beleive me, its a biggie.
Ready? Here we go:
In our haste to have the latest and greatest, the fastest and flashiest, have the hardware manufacturers succeeded in the biggest con job of all time by leading us into beleiveing we HAVE to have their newest most expensinve bit of kit when a) the cards speed are now throttled by even the fastest CPUs and b) our eyes couldn't tell the difference anyway?
Yes, ladies and gentleman, I believe that we've reached the point where snake-oil is back... it's just printed on a PCB and got a fan on top....