Hiya, I have been having a few crashes over the last week or so now. These can happen when I am doing anything on the computer from playing games to browsing the web. The computer will just frezee totally and I have to push the reset button. When it;s booting back up I will get the series of short bleeps and I get a message in my headphones saying something like "VGA test failed on boot" and I have to turn the computer off and on again before it will boot, resetting does not work.
Sometimes when it crashes I will lose singal to the monitor and sometimes it still displays the screen, I always get the VGA failed message on reboot tho. At first I thought it might be down to the heat, but I have Ati Tool installed and it shows in the log that the GPU never goes over 60c so I guess it's not a heat issuse. I was told that it could aslo be the chipset getting to hot, anyone have any thoughts on that?
So is my GFX card on the way out? Somtimes it's fine for 2-3 days and then other times it will crash 3-4 times in 2 hours. The card is a Connect 3D Ati X850 XT PE and not all that old, only just out of warranty
Thanks for any help or advice
EDIT: just had another lock up and after the reboot I got the MS error thingy up with this page http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=293078
I have the newest cat's on and they have not been a problem in the past.