Brilliant site folks - great community.
Ive had a disagreement with my home PC (Windows XP Home) when trying a Linux installation (for fun!). Appear to have really messed up the partionning on my main internal hard drive (which is IDE Seagate 80gb new Jan 2007 and very reliable to date). So turned to my recent Acronis True Image back up which is around 30-40 Gb and which I had saved on a pretty new Seagate USB2 linked external hard drive. I can kick it off fine and it seems to start the process of putting this back on my internal drive. But never mind hours it wants to take DAYS to get this back on. In the process it is complaining of disc read errors (not sure if it means the Seagate external or internal). It offers "retry" which I do and it appears to keep going. Then eventually it seems to stick completely. I start again and same story.
Help really welcome. Is an image recovery always that slow? Any other thoughts?