Hello my problem is to me a bit of a headache! I recently purchased a LeadTek 8800GT 512mm due to a certain game that likes to melt PC's! Anyways heres the story;
I installed the 8800GT and almost immeditaly it would power off within in minutes, sometimes not getting past boot. I relieased my 400w PSU wasent going to cut it, so I bought a 600w PSU which is way past the recomended for a single GT. Again same issue, to be safe I totally uninstalled the drivers and updated to the lastest (169.09) and for about half hour it was fine. Went to setup my TV link and zooom, switched off. Same problem as before. Alittle bemused I unhooked all non-essentials and booted up, again same problem.
After examining the PC for about 45 angry minutes I noticed the pins that connect my SATA 160 where bent (i must of damaged it when moving it to slot the GFX in), so I did my best and refitted the cable, slotted everything back in, re-seated the GFX card and laid my PC on its side. 2 hours later and I'm smooth sailing, TV working (though not quite right) Loaded up Guitar Hero 3 on my PC, midway through Fire & Flames....zooom switched off again!
Now for the life of me I cannot understand whats happening - I have more then enough power, I've updated all my drivers, I replaced the PSU, check my RAM using memtest which shows its fine. My flatmate suggested that because the pins where damaged slightly on my main drive (the 160 contains XP) that it could be cutting out, but im not convinced
so i'm at a loss, that and I'm getting very little performance boost over my old Ati 2600 or even my 7600GT! (Crysis actually dropped frames) - Help!
XP Pro SP2 (Fully updated)
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400
Abit IL9-Pro
LeadTek Gforce 8800GT
2048GB Corsair
160gb WD SATA
80gb Samsung SATA
Generic Sound card
600w PSU