I've run out of spare USB ports on my PC. All 4 on the back are in use for mouse, keyboard, webcam and external HDD. My Akasa case has two USB ports on the side near the front where my iPod and my Readyboost USB drive are taking up residence. So 6 ports in use meaning anything else I need to plug in, something has to come out.
I recently ditched the idea of getting an external USB hub as I just don't fancy that. So I was thinking of using the USB backplate I would have got packaged with my Asus P5Q-E mobo and connect them to the motherboard headers. Unfortunately that box is in the loft and the ladder we used to get into the loft was a borrow from a neighbour and the ladder has been returned. This means it is near impossible for me to get into the loft. So I looked around for USB PCI cards and found http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Scan-...rd-ALi-Chipset.
It is a VIA card and having checked out their site they don't have any drivers, that I can find, for Vista/Windows 7 32/64. So if I got that card could I trust Vista x64, and soon W7 x64, to be able to find generic/Microsoft drivers for the card?