The story is that I have the system in my profile and it has been completely fine (6 months or so) until yesterday. After a few hours of gaming I shut down the machine as normal.
NB: A few hours is normal usage, temps never got above 62C. (idle 44C - 100% 70C)
Later I needed to do some other things and went to re-boot. Nothing happened. At all.
Power I thought. No, all seems well, printer, speakers etc all live. The only activity I could see without disassembling the box was the CMOS button was flashing at the back.
So I cleared CMOS and it booted A-OK into the default clocks. Had a quick look, nothing appeared to be wrong at all in the OS or hardware profile. So I re-started, went into BIOS and restored the OC profile. It now appears to be up again at 3.8GHz.
I just ran OCCT for an hour, which it completed with no errors, no BSOD, nothing. Realtemp3.4 reports min 40C max 76C. I used OCCT as I was told that it was a complete package and easier to use than Prime95.
Then it did it again when the kids were playing Sims 3. Wouldn't re-boot until I left for a while. When it did come back it reported a CMOS checksum error on the BIOS. Just been into the Bios and I get an error message that says that there has been a boot failure due to overclock settings and/or voltage changes. Wondering if the profile has somehow been corrupted. I can also see that EIST is still enabled. Is that right ?
However I have now booted back into the Default clocks and it's working fine. Could this be a dodgy RAM stick ? Dodgy PSU ? I have never seen a system just lose all power and be dead like this before.
Aaaargh ! Any ideas ?