Greetings everyone,
At this point, it seems that my BIOS is simply bricked on my MSI P6NGM-FD motherboard. Running a Core 2 Duo with a single stick of 1GB of memory, I can power on the board, the keyboard lights flash, CPU fan spins up and automatically adjusts its speed, although I receive no video, whether onboard or externally via a 9600 GT.
I tried almost every kind of combination I could find for clearing my CMOS, short of doing a handstand while I move the clear CMOS jumper.
It seems that, in this bricked state, the motherboard is unable to access floppies (so seemingly no access to those). The only other sign of intelligent life that I can see is that it will continuously beep at me if no RAM is inserted. Otherwise, it never beeps.
Is anyone aware of any kind of thing that I can do to get my board in a semi-workable state at this point? Any kind of hidden keyboard shortcuts that can force a direct flash from the floppy drive (already tried Ctrl+Home)?