I suddenly found a program in Task Manager called wuauclt.exe, whic is supposed to
be a Windows Update program found in System 32.
Funny, I don't have auto updates enabled.
Also, after checking the Sys 32 folder I found 2 wuauclt.exe's The second one
is wuauclt1.exe.
This stuff is setting in my system tray downloading I dunno what.
Each time I try and end the processes, they start right back up again.
For security I have:
ZAP (Firewall and Mobile codes on Max protection)
Norton AV enabled fully
SpyGuard (immune on)
Spysweeper(immune on)
Spyware Blaster(immune on)
Ad-Aware SE (immune on)
Spybot S&D (Immune on)
Also, all the security settings in Win xP, I have all Activex controls, and all java
Here is a shot from a High Jack this scan.
See anything?
The only software I installed recently was Giant Anti-Spyware, which has won
PC mag and Cnet awards. I disabled it, removed it, and delted it's reg key just
as a look see.
Still I have these updates downloading.
Help is aprecciated.