I'm using a simple formular to divide pence by a whole number, so something like: 0.36 divided by 24.
(36p, divided by 24), this answer is 1.5p, but in excel it shows as 0.02.
........... WTF?.
What have I done wrong?, it all works OK in pounds AND pence, just not pence alone
Any help is greatly apreicated, thanks.
Edit: tbh, i'm probably looking at it wrong, confusing the hell out of me now . I'll post once my mind has cleared up, please try help still though..
Ok, in excel.. I think.. it should display 0.015, which should do, then I'll need to use some sort of if statement to make it display 15p.
god, homework sucks, I can't see the dumb arses in my ICT class been able to do this, especially if i'm struggling